Breaking the Cycle of Change: How Coaching Helps Dentists Overcome Barriers and Achieve Their Dreams

Are you a dentist feeling stuck in your routine, longing for change but unsure how to achieve it? You’re not alone.Many dentists experience the desire for change in their professional or personal lives but find it difficult to break free from old habits. Understanding the “Circle of Change” and how coaching can help is the first step toward lasting transformation.

The Circle of Change Explained

Change: As a dentist, you might often feel the need for change—whether it’s to improve your practice, enhance your lifestyle, or pursue personal growth. This desire is the initial spark that indicates you’re ready for something new.

Fear: However, as soon as this desire surfaces, fear usually follows. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, and fear of judgment can be paralyzing. The more you think about the change and express it, the more questions arise from yourself and others, amplifying this fear.

Amnesia: This fear triggers a self-defense mechanism we can call partial amnesia. You start forgetting why you wanted the change in the first place and begin convincing yourself that you’re fine just as you are. This amnesia keeps you locked in your current state.

Back to Routine: Eventually, you revert to your old routines—whether in work, life, or relationships. This comfort zone feels safe, but it doesn’t bring the fulfillment you were seeking. The cycle continues until the dissatisfaction surfaces again, and you realize you’re still not happy.

The Role of a Coach

So, where does a coach come in? A coach helps you break this cycle by transforming fear into an actionable plan.

Clarity: Coaching provides clarity. A coach helps you understand your true goals and motivations, cutting through the noise of fear and doubt. This clarity is the foundation for any successful change.

SMART Goals: Once you have clarity, a coach helps you set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. These goals turn your dreams into actionable steps, making the path to change clear and attainable. If you can dream it, you can do it.

Real Life Impact

Consider the stories of other dentists who have benefited from coaching:

  • Streamlining Operations: One dentist, feeling overwhelmed by the demands of running a practice, worked with me to streamline operations and find a better work-life balance. I helped identify inefficiencies and implement new systems, leading to reduced stress and increased productivity.

  • Expanding Skills: Another dentist used me as a coach to develop new skills and expand their practice, achieving professional and personal growth they never thought possible. By setting clear goals and taking actionable steps, they were able to add new services and grow their patient base.

  • Pursuing a Side Gig: Many dentists realize that they can’t maintain the same pace all their lives and start considering side gigs or even changing directions entirely. One dentist, for instance, used coaching to explore their other passion. I helped him create a plan to pursue his other passion, which not only provided an additional income stream but also established them as an expert in the field.

  • Changing Career Paths: Another dentist, feeling the burnout from years of practice, wanted to transition into a new career. With coaching, they were able to identify transferable skills, build a network, and make a successful transition. The structured support and guidance from the coach made the daunting process manageable and rewarding.

Through coaching, many dentists have transformed their practices and personal lives, achieving greater satisfaction and success. 


Practical Tips for Starting the Change Process

Identify Small, Manageable Goals: Start with small changes that are easy to manage. These small wins build momentum and confidence.

Seek Professional Support: Consider hiring a coach to guide you through the process. The objective perspective and structured approach of a coach can make a significant difference.

Stay Positive and Persistent: Change is challenging, and setbacks are part of the journey. Maintaining a positive mindset and being persistent will help you navigate the process.


Breaking the cycle of change requires understanding the barriers and seeking the right support. Coaching can be a transformative tool, turning fear into actionable plans and helping you achieve your dreams.

🔗 For more insights about my coaching services, check them out here. 

🔗 To learn more about how to master your personal and practice growth, check out My Mastery Bundle Package at Advancemy here.

🌤️ It’s a bit cloudy today and the temperature is chillier, and I absolutely love it. We need some rain here in Andalucia, Spain. Maybe we should start a “rain dance” 💃🏽💃🏽🕺🏼🌧️🌧️

Take care, and don’t forget that dreams are made to become reality. If you can dream it, you can do it. I believe in you.

With Love 

🦋 Christina 

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