Embracing Intuition and Positivity: Are You a Fly or a Bee?
In the world of blogging, consistency is often touted as the key to success. Many bloggers schedule specific days to publish their posts, following a strict routine. However, I have found that my creativity and intuition don’t adhere to a rigid schedule. Instead of forcing myself to write on a designated day, I have learned to listen to my inner voice, allowing my intuition to guide me. This approach has not only improved the quality of my content but has also made the process more enjoyable and fulfilling.
The Power of Listening to Your Inner Voice
Have you ever had a moment where an idea just popped into your head, seemingly out of nowhere? That’s your intuition speaking to you. Ignoring these moments can lead to missed opportunities and uninspired work. On the contrary, embracing these intuitive flashes can result in creative breakthroughs and genuine content that resonates with your audience.
This morning, at 6:00 AM, I experienced one of these moments. Despite my initial plan to write every Wednesday, I felt a strong urge to get up and start writing. The idea for this blog post unfolded in my mind, and I knew I had to capture it before it disappeared. Like bubbles we blew as children, these creative sparks are fleeting; if we don’t grab them, they burst and vanish.

The Importance of Intuition in Creativity
In meditation, we often talk about the third eye chakra, located between our eyes, which is associated with intuition and insight. It’s from this space that today’s blog post emerged. After a glass of water with lemon and ☕️☕️ two cups of coffee (one for each eye, as I jokingly say to wake up) 👀, I began writing, knowing that this moment of clarity was a gift.
Creativity is like those childhood bubbles—beautiful, delicate, and ephemeral. If we don’t act on these moments of inspiration, they disappear. However, by seizing the moment, we can create something lasting and impactful, something that others can benefit from.

Reflections on Modern Technology and Mindfulness
Yesterday, I had an insightful experience that reinforced the importance of mindfulness in our tech-saturated lives. My phone, overloaded with data, malfunctioned, forcing me to spend the day without it. Initially, I felt a sense of withdrawal, constantly reaching for my phone out of habit. But as the day progressed, I felt a profound sense of peace and freedom.
Studies have shown that even the presence of a smartphone can reduce our cognitive performance and efficiency. This experience made me realize how much control my phone had over my time and attention. By choosing to keep my phone in a drawer and using my laptop for essential tasks, I gained a greater sense of control and focus.

Are You a Fly or a Bee?
A few days ago, I saw a reel from an interview that made me reflect deeply. The speaker compared two types of people: those who are like flies and those who are like bees. Flies, no matter where they are, always find and focus on the negative, the “dirt.” Bees, on the other hand, seek out the flowers and create honey, finding positivity and opportunities for growth.
This analogy made me question myself: Am I a fly or a bee? What do I want to be? We have the power to choose our perspective and the energy we bring into our lives and the lives of others. It’s said that we become like the five people we spend the most time with. Reflecting on my past work environments, I’ve seen both types of cultures—those filled with negativity and gossip, and those where people uplift each other and work towards positive goals.
Choosing Positivity and Growth
Choosing to be a bee means actively seeking out the good in every situation, surrounding ourselves with positive influences, and contributing to a better world. It means creating an environment where we can thrive and help others flourish as well. When we focus on positivity and growth, like children running through a field of flowers, our lives become more vibrant and fulfilling.

Final Thoughts
As I wrap up this blog post, I encourage you to listen to your inner voice and embrace your intuition. Don’t force creativity; let it flow naturally. Reflect on whether you’re a fly or a bee, and choose to focus on the positive aspects of life. By doing so, you’ll not only improve your own well-being but also positively impact those around you.
Thank you for reading, and I wish you an amazing Tuesday and week ahead. Take care and embrace the beauty of each moment.
🌻 Christina

Love the analogy and I definitely prefer being a bee!!!
Thank you so much for your feedback Alessandro 🙏🏼 You are definitely a bee and such a great inspiration for dentists all over the world!
Du är bäst och en sann inspiration🥰så kul att du startat bloggen🤩besitos
Tusen tack finaste Eva 🙏🏼DU är en sann inspiration!!! 🌟 Jag ser fram emot att läsa din kommande blogg med! 🦋